
Fabricate features the work of dozens of artists from around the Cincinnati region and beyond. You can find a wide variety of handmade items including paintings, drawings, ceramics, jewelry, stationary, clothing, stuffed animals, housewares and more! We are always looking for cool new merch to sell. If you are interested in consigning with us, please email images to or send an email to set up a time to bring in items to show. We make our choices based on:
-Space available in the store
-How your work fits with our aesthetic
-Inventory of similar items already on hand

Once you are accepted, we will email you a consignment contract that you will print and return with your inventory. The consignment split is 60/40 artist/store. Consignment checks are written once a month on the first Saturday of the month. Consignors with checks will receive an email notification.

3 Responses to “Consignment”
  1. Hi Chris!
    I met you at Crafty Supermarket! I’d love to sell some things at your store. Let me know if you need any other info. Yay!


  2. tara heilman says:

    Hi! I make handsewn Owls and Monsters from my own patterns. I use repurposed materials for some of my handmade crafts. I am interested in consigning.


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