February 2011

This month Fabricate features the opening reception for HOLEhearted on Saturday, February 12th from 7-11 p.m.

Not everyone is all warm and fuzzy about love circa Valentine’s Day. Sometimes love goes awry. Sometimes your affections go unrequited. This show is about that: The cavernous black hole of pain that resides in your heart where love used to live. Even if you are euphoric about love currently, we all have residual battle scars from the past. In this group exhibition, the artists have each contributed something expressing the latter sentiment.

Come join us for a sometimes humorous/sometimes painful glimpse at the darker side of love, sans canoodling.

We’ll provide the booze and the sad sap tuneage. You can regale your friends with bitter and horrific tales of heartbreak and potentially garner a hug from a cute stranger who feels sorry for you.

Afterward, follow us down to Mayday for the after-party featuring the powerfully amazing antics of Süper Stüpid.

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