Ideal Form

“I am an artist currently living in Cincinnati. I moved from Chicago a little less than a year ago. I lived, studied and worked in Chicago for 15 years. During my time in Chicago, I attended the American Academy of Art, where I learned the fundamentals of art and life drawing. Then, I studied painting … Continue reading


Connectivity is a collection of drawings, prints and paintings that explore the connections between ourselves—specifically our bodies—and the natural world.Emily Louise Howard was born in Burlington, Vermont. She was raised in Erlanger, Kentucky and educated at the University of Kentucky, where she received a B.F.A. in painting. Emily went on to get her M.F.A. in … Continue reading


Coined by Tor Nørretranders in his book The User Illusion, the word “exformation” refers to explicitly discarded information. When two people with a shared understanding or experience communicate, there is a vast amount of information that is left unsaid and only implied. Shared context provides the meaning. Shorthand messages and suggestive body language can speak … Continue reading


      “Goldmine” is a collection of new work by Sally Harless, a full-time artist in Bloomington, Indiana. Every piece depicts one of Harless’ favorite animals, each with its own particular golden element. The work is largely about the discovery of hidden confidence, optimism and courage. Her drawings are reminiscent of children’s book illustrations … Continue reading


Donald Crank was born in the small Chicago suburb of Evanston and lived in a nearby community until he was four. From four to twelve, he lived in Pakistan where his family carried out missionary work. Since then, he has spent the bulk of his time in Cincinnati. “My artistic influences began with animation and … Continue reading

Things Your Food Might Say (and other thoughts from Kentucky)

Things Your Food Might Say (and other thoughts from Kentucky) is a show of new handmade tiles by Rick Hoffman. Over the past eight years, Rick has developed a style of stoneware recognizable by its colorful glazes, vintage images and bawdy sayings. His work is fired three times to set homemade decals into the glaze. … Continue reading

Head In The Clouds

“It’s all in your head: thoughts, hopes, dreams, fears and love are caught in the daydreams of your imagination. They grow and twist like vines in the garden of your mind, spinning webs in the story hidden deep within the secrets of longing, desire and memory. Briefly, these dreams break free and materialize with abandon … Continue reading

Salvaged Spirits

Ursula Roma’s lively and colorful “Northside – Keep It Beautiful” mural greets us daily as we come over the viaduct into Northside. She is a fine artist, designer and sculptor who studied art and design in New York, Ohio and Connecticut. She received both her BFA in design and an MFA in illustration. For over … Continue reading

Bellow & Roost

Fabricate is psyched to present Bellow & Roost: A Seasonal Manifestation.  This show is a collaborative effort by Ali and Michelle Calis to celebrate the magic and mystery of the autumnal season; when the living goes dormant, the air turns crispy, and the skies grey. With a rustic unorthodox technique, they muster up the enchantment … Continue reading

That’s Just A Myth

“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” This was the mentality Michael Hurst had growing up in the suburbs. When he got older, he moved into the city and made a startling discovery: there is no grass there! His work is heavily influenced by his lifelong infatuation with city life. … Continue reading