April 2011

This month Fabricate features the opening reception for Notable Specimens on Saturday, April 9th from 7–11 p.m.

Lori Brown is a self-taught artist born and raised in a small rural town about an hour outside of Cincinnati. A large and loving family full of musicians, and an exceptionally crafty Grandma, set her on a creative path from the very beginning. As early as she can remember, she was combining scrap craft materials with old toys, mud, sticks and worn out clothing to create odd little treasures. While her methods may be more refined, she’s still just playing with mud and sticks.

“I don’t give a whole lot of thought to deep and meaningful concepts. I’m a folk artist; my work is inspired by my life. I realize that might seem strange while looking at a collection of sweet-but-slightly-creepy creatures, many of whom have been disembodied, but the truth is I spend quite a bit of time reading science fiction and fantasy books (it can get obsessive to the point of nerdy). I also wile away a lot of time immersed in nature…a regular old forest is pretty fantastic if you truly let yourself experience it. It’s no wonder my imagination is busting at the seams with quirky, outlandish creatures.

I use common materials, paper mache, wood, twigs, polymer clay and acrylic paint…but try to use them in ways that might be a little less common. My style is a fusion of the folk art I grew up seeing and the modern pop culture I can’t avoid seeing in this media age. I make art that makes me happy – plain and simple.”

Fabricate welcomes you to join them for the new art show, PROJECTMILL DJ’s and potable beverages provided by Mayday.

Afterward, follow everyone down to Mayday for the Fabricate after-party!

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